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HALINET - Health Resource On The Net
The four Halton Information Network partner libraries subscribe to various online databases related to the issue of Health.
Please have your Halton library card handy, as it is required for you to access the databases.
Local Health Resources
Baby and Parent Health provides practical suggestions from the Region of Halton on how to make your families lifestyle more healthy.
Halton Region Health Department Offers information about a complete range of public health programs which are designed to:
- promote positive mental, reproductive, sexual, dental and heart health prevent cancer, substance abuse, tobacco use and injuries
- protect our communities from communicable and infectious diseases and environmental hazards such as contaminated food and water.
- The web site allows users to to access the Health Resource Information System, a database of health-related resources including books, audio/video tapes, pamphlets, fact sheets, journals and slides on topics covering all Health department programs and services.
Hospitals Serving Halton
- Credit Valley Hospital, Mississauga Credit Valley Hospital is an acute care community hospital with approximately 300 inpatient beds, and a wide variety of outpatient services. The hospital provides a new regional perinatal/paediatric service, and oncology radiation therapy services through the Peel Regional Cancer Centre.
- Halton Healthcare Services Halton Healthcare Services is an amalgamation of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Milton District Hospital and Georgetown Hospital.
- Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital provides a wide range of inpatient, outpatient and outreach services.
- St. Joseph's Healthcare Supporting the health information needs of the Hamilton-Wentworth area.
- Hamilton Health Sciences Hamilton Health Sciences is a family of five unique hospitals and a cancer centre, serving more than 2.2 million residents of Hamilton and Central South and Central West Ontario
- Trillium Health Centre A regional centre for Stroke, Neurosurgery and Cardiac Services, Trillium is also home to one of the busiest Emergency services in Canada
- Sick Kids - The Hospital for Sick Children: A health care, teaching and research facility dedicated exclusively to children; affiliated with the University of Toronto.
Canadian Sites
Bibliothèque de Référence Virtuelle La Bibliothèque de référence virtuelle est une source d'information thématique et fiable particulièrement axée sur les contenus canadien et ontarien.
Public Health Agency of Canada promotes and protects the health of Canadians through leadership, partnership, innovation and action in public health.
The Canadian Health Information Management Association CHIMA represents approximately 2,500 health information management professionals who manage the security, privacy and accuracy of patient information in hospitals across Canada.
- The Canadian Institute for Health Information CIHI is one of Canada’s premier sources of high quality, reliable and timely health information. An independent, Canadian, not-for-profit organization, CIHI provides Canadians with essential statistics and analysis about their health and their health care system.
- The Canadian Medical Association Patient/physician information from the CMA.
- Health Canada Online Health Canada's comprehensive health education and information web site providing a single-window point of access to health care resources on the Internet.
Health Information Research Unit at McMaster University conducts research in the field of health information science and is dedicated to the generation of new knowledge about the nature of health and clinical information problems, the development of new information resources to support evidence-based health care, and the evaluation of various innovations in overcoming health care information problems.
HealthyOntario.com provides Ontarians provides quick and easy access to health information. Created by the Ontario Ministry of Health, and launched in October 2002.
- Medbroadcast.com This Vancouver based site features 32 channels of topics ranging from women's health to addiction, with content written by an advisory team of 55 physicians.
American Sites
- Health A to Z Searches a database of thousands of medical and health information sites that have been selected and evaluated by a team of medical professionals. Each site has a short description and is rated.
- The American Medical Association Patient/physician information from the AMA. Excellent consumer health page.
- Center for Disease Control (Atlanta) Provides access to information about diseases, drugs and pharmaceutical topics.
- Healthfinder Site developed by the U.S. government to provide consumers with reliable health information on the Internet. Provides access to U.S. federal, state and local government health information as well as information from universities and not-for-profit organizations.
- The National Library of Medicine Free access to Medline and resources like the "Visible Human Project".
- MedlinePlus Health and drug information for patients, family and friends. (A resource of the National Library of Medicine.)
- WebMD WebMD is a comprehensive online health resource providing a number of links and information on conditions, treatments, updated daily.
- World Health Organization International health and medical information from the World Health Organization.
Specific Interests
- Health Education and Information Listings Listings in the Halton Community Services Directory.
- Canadian Cancer Society The Canadian Cancer Society helps you take control of your health with reliable information. Through our Cancer Information Service, [www.cancer.ca], and a wide selection of publications, we offer up-to-date, accessible and credible information – information that empowers you to make good decisions when it comes to your health.
- Canadian Diabetes Association The goal of the Canadian Diabetes Association's web site is to become the line resource for people with, and affected by, diabetes and for healthcare professionals treating those affected by the disease.
- Canadian Mental Health Association The Canadian Mental Health Association is a nation-wide, charitable organization that promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.
- Canadian Pediatric Society Pediatrics healthcare information for Canadian children and their parents.
- Canadian Women's Health Network Information, resources and strategies to better women's health.
- Heart and Stroke Foundation - a volunteer-based health charity - leads in eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the advancement of research and its application, the promotion of healthy living and advocacy.
- Internet Mental Health A Canadian site offering information on mental illnesses, medications etc. with good links to other mental health sites.
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation JDRF's mission is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.
- Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario Learning disabilities refers to a variety of disorders that affect the acquisition, retention, understanding, organization or use of verbal and/or non-verbal information. These disorders result from impairments in one or more psychological processes related to learning, in combination with otherwise average abilities essential for thinking and reasoning.
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is the principal resource for information about MS, services for people with MS and family members, and education programs.
- Prostate Cancer
- Site provides information about prevention and management of the disease. This includes lifestyle pages about the latest on the link between diet and prostate cancer (and some prostate healthy recipes), the role of age and ethnicity, the potential role of pharmaceuticals in prevention, and exercise tips. The information is relevant to men (and their families) at risk of prostate cancer, and those who wish to better manage the disease.
- Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment Quiz - a self-assessment to help men determine their risk of developing prostate cancer.
Thyroid Foundation of Canada Provides information for thyroid patients and their families, and links to other health and thyroid related organizations and Internet resources.
Travel Medicine Program is responsible for providing the following travel health information for persons travelling outside Canada:
- Women's Health Matters Information, news and research findings on women's health, diseases and lifestyle trends. The site authored by Women's College Hospital.
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) promotes workplace health and safety, and provides a workers compensation system for the employers and workers of Ontario.
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