
Halton History

Page history last edited by Cory Dee 16 years, 4 months ago


Genealogy and Local History



Genealogical Societies



Historical Societies



LACACs (Local Architecture Conservation Advisory Committees)





Other Sites About Halton's Past



Provincial and National




  • Library and Archives Canada The National Library and Archives of Canada preserves Canada's archival heritage, and makes it available to Canadians through a wide variety of means - publications, exhibitions, special events, as well as reference and researcher services.
  • Canadian Genealogical Centre The Canadian Genealogy Centre (The Library and Archives of Canada, in cooperation with the Department of Canadian Heritage and other partners) is a single window providing electronic access to genealogical resources in Canada.
  • Archives of Ontario The Archives of Ontario preserves the province's documentary heritage, and makes it available to the public. Since 1903 we have been collecting historically valuable records created by both the Ontario government and the private sector. Records from businesses, clubs and associations, labour and political organizations, and private individuals complement the official government records.

You may also interloan certain items through your public library use their Microfilm Interloan Service




The Index currently contains 208 cemeteries, of which 136 have been recorded and published, containing 14107 surnames.





Genealogical Societies



Good Places To Get Started On Your Canadian Research



Vital Statistics


  • British Columbia Vital Statistics British Columbia Archives' Vital Events Indexes page, which contains summary information on historical births, deaths and marriages that were submitted to Vital Statistics Registrars and registered by the Chief Executive Officer.






Your comments & suggestions are appreciated. Please mail them to Geoff Cannon at the Halton Hills Public Library.

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