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Saved by Cory Dee
on September 4, 2008 at 2:46:19 pm
Adult and Distance Education
Postsecondary Education
Financial Assistance
- Canada Millennium Scholarships Foundation A bursary program for those in financial need and an Excellence Award program recognizing academic merit and individual leadership.
- Canada Student Loans Program Information on student loans for part-time and full-time students. Includes loan repayment schedules and links to provincial resources
- Canada Study Grants Funded by the Government of Canada but administered in Ontario by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). For students with dependants, disabilities, high needs, and women in certain doctoral studies.
- Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) Student loans and online application procedures for students in the province of Ontario.
- ScholarshipsCanada A searchable database of Canadian scholarships offered in all provinces and territories.
- Studentawards Information on scholarships, bursaries, grants and other forms of financial assistance from private and not-for-profit sectors. Includes awards for those wishing to study abroad.
Homework Help
- Ask a Teacher The ultimate online destination for Ontario high school students - featuring essay feedback, chat, exercises and EQAO resources.
- SOS Devoirs Free homework support service for Ontario's francophone students in Grades 1 through 12.
Ontario Ministry of Education & Training
Schools & School Boards
The Teaching Profession
Bibliothèque de Référence Virtuelle
- Bibliothèque de Référence Virtuelle La Bibliothèque de référence virtuelle est une source d'information thématique et fiable particulièrement axée sur les contenus canadien et ontarien.
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