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Page history last edited by Cory Dee 15 years, 5 months ago

Information about citizenship, the citizenship test, immigration and settlement in Canada from the Oakville Public Library.

Canadian Citizenship Test - Questions & Answers

The Canadian citizenship test includes a section about your local municipal, provincial and federal electoral districts and representatives. A citizenship judge may ask you about this information at a citizenship interview.

Halton Region is made up of 4 municipalities: Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton, and Oakville. To find a map of your electoral district, look at Federal Electoral District Maps for Ontario

Includes Burlington, Milton, Oakville and Halton Hills (look under Wellington-Halton Hills).

Federal Government

Q: What is Canada's Form of Government?

A: Canada is governed by the Federal Government

Q: Who is Canada's Head of State?

A: The representative of the Queen for all Canada is the Governor General, Michaëlle Jean

Q: Who is Canada's Head of Government?

A: Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Q: Which party is currently in power?

A: Conservative Party of Canada

Q: Who is the Leader of the Opposition?

A: Michael Ignatieff

Q: Which party is the Official Opposition?

A: Liberal Party of Canada

Q: What are the other opposition parties and their leaders?


Q: Who is my representative (MP) in Ottawa?

A: Search for your federal representative here Federal Government Member of Parliament (MP).


Terence Young (MP) - Conservative, Oakville Riding: South of Upper Middle Road to Lake Ontario and north of Upper Middle Road to Dundas between 8th Line and Winston Churchill.

Lisa Raitt (MP) - Conservative, Halton Riding. Riding includes:

  1. Town of Milton
  2. Oakville: part of town northwest of a boundary that runs from northeast limit at Dundas St. E, southwest to Eighth Line, southeast to Upper Middle Rd. E., southwest to southwest limit.
  3. Burlington: part northwest of boundary which runs from QEW southwest to Walkers Line, northwest to Upper Middle Rd., southwest to Guelph Line, northwest to Dundas St., southwest to limit of city.


  • Mike Wallace (MP) – Burlington
  • David Sweet (MP) – Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough, Westdale
  • Lisa Raitt (MP) – Halton Riding


  • Michael Chong – (MP) Conservative Member of Parliament for Wellington-Halton Hills Riding
  • Lisa Raitt (MP) – Conservative Member of Parliament for Halton Riding.

Provincial Government

Q: Who is Head of State of the Province of Ontario?

A: The representative of the Queen for the province of Ontario is the Lieutenant-Governor, David C. Onley

Q: Who is Ontario's Head of Government?

A: Premier Dalton McGuinty

Q: Which provincial party is in power?

A: Ontario Liberal Party

Q: What are the provincial opposition parties and their leaders?


Q: Who is my Provincial Member of Parliament (MPP)?


Kevin Flynn - South of Upper Middle Rd., east to Winston Churchill, west to Burloak.

Ted Chudleigh - Halton riding, north of Upper Middle to the 407, east to Ninth Line.


Joyce Savoline (Burlington)

Ted McMeekin (Ancaster - Dundas - Flamborough - Aldershot)

Ted Chudleigh (Halton)

Milton & Halton

Ted Chudleigh

Municipal Government

Q: Who are the Mayors and Councillors in each of the Municipalities within Halton?

A: Oakville - The Town of Oakville

See link for maps of ward boundaries and Members of Council.

Town office 905-845-6601 ext 3000

Council and Standing Committees 905-815-5959

Mayor - Rob Burton

Ward 1 - Ralph Robinson; Alan Johnston

Ward 2 - Cathy Duddeck; Fred Oliver

Ward 3 - Mary Chapin; Keith Bird

Ward 4 - Roger Lapworth; Allan Elgar

Ward 5 - Marc Grant; Jeff Knoll

Ward 6 - Max Khan; Tom Adams

B: Burlington - City of Burlington

See link for map of ward boundaries and Members of Council.

Mayor - Cam Jackson

Ward 1 - Rick Craven

Ward 2 - Peter Thoem

Ward 3 - John Taylor

Ward 4 - Jack Dennison

Ward 5 - Rick Goldring

Ward 6 - Carol D’Amelio

C: Halton Hills - Town of Halton Hills

Mayor: Rick Bonnette

Ward 1 - Jon Hurst, Mike O’Leary

Ward 2 - Joan Robson, Bryan Lewis

Ward 3 - Moya Johnston, David Kentner

Ward 4 - Bob Inglis, John Duncan

D: Milton - The Town of Milton

Mayor: Gordon Krantz

Ward 1: Richard Day and Brian Penman

Ward 2: Mike Boughton and Greg Nelson

Ward 3: Cindy Lunau and Jan Mowbray

Ward 4: Wendy Schau and Paul Scherer

Q: Who are the Councillors for Halton Region?

A: There are 20 members, the Chair is Gary Carr

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