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Arts and Entertainment
Page history
last edited
by Cory Dee 16 years ago
Movie Times
- Encore Cinemas Oakville & Burlington A second run movie theatre with locations in Oakville and Burlington. "Big movies at small prices."
- Monday Night at the Movies Formerly known as the Oakville Film Festival, international movies are shown on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at Encore Cinema, Oakville.
- Moviefone Check out all local movie theatres in or near Oakville, or buy advance tickets to movies in 25 major cities across North America.
- Screeners Burlington's Central Library hosts a selection of movies from the Toronto International Film Festival.
Movie Info
- Internet Movie Database A huge, searchable movie database containing all sorts of information on movies and the people associated with them. Provides lists of favourites, and new and upcoming DVDs.
- National Film Board of Canada Search for NFB films by genre, category, director, producer or year.
- Ontario Film Review Board Classification and advisory information for all mainstream films, including video and computer games.
- Rotten Tomatoes Provides both favourable and unfavourable reviews. The easy-to-use database is searchable by genre, subgenre, era and format as well as by rating for age/content. Video games are included in a section all to themselves.
Local Musicians
About Music
Local Theatres
Local Theatre Groups
About Theatres
- Playbill Online Theatre news and features, archives of theatre art and photos. A Canada section includes news and listings. There is also an international theatre listing.
- Theatre Ontario For theatre news, and details of all theatre-related activities, plus awards and grants available in Ontario.
Galleries and Museums
General Arts and Information
- Bibliothèque de Référence Virtuelle La Bibliothèque de référence virtuelle est une source d'information thématique et fiable particulièrement axée sur les contenus canadien et ontarien.
- Oakville Arts Council Not-for-profit organization promoting arts and culture in Oakville and representing a large and diverse membership group.
- Oakville Arts Events Events calendar for the arts in Oakville.
Arts and Entertainment
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